SURAH Aadiyat
"Allah" - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious , the Most Merciful.
= Aadiyat 100 : 1 = By oath of those that sprint , breathing heavily . ( The horses used in Holy War . )
= Aadiyat 100 : 2 = Striking stones with their hooves , sparking fire .
= Aadiyat 100 : 3 = And by oath of those who raid at dawn .
= Aadiyat 100 : 4 = So thereupon raisingdust .
= Aadiyat 100 : 5 = Then penetrate to the centre of the enemy army .
= Aadiyat 100 : 6 = Indeed man is very ungrateful towards his Lord .
= Aadiyat 100 : 7= And indeed he himself is a witness to
= Aadiyat 100 : 8 = And indeed he loves wealth to the extreme .
= Aadiyat 100 : 9 = So does henot know ? When those in the graves areraised ,
= Aadiyat 100 : 10= And all what lies in the breasts is opened.
= Aadiyat 100 : 11= On that day their Lord surely knows all about them !