M Jamali by السلام علیکم✍️welcome✍️ Hadith in English

Hadith in English


                    =  Muslim shareef =
                       = Hadith No : 8 =

It was narrated from Anas bin Malik thata manentered theMasjid one Friday through the door that was nearest Dar Al - Qada ' , while the Messenger of Allah ( s . a . w ) was | standing , delivering the Khutbah . He turned towards the Messenger of Allah ( s . a . w ) and said : " O Messenger of Allah , our wealth has been destroyed and the roads are cut off . Pray to Allah to give us rain . " The Messenger of Allah ( s . a . w ) raised his hands and said : " Allahumma ! Aghithna , Allahumma ! Aghithna ( O Allah , give us rain ; OAllah , give us rain ; OAllah , give us rain ) . " Anas said : " By Allah , we could not see anyclouds in the sky , and between us and Sal ' there were no houses . Then from behind it there appeared a cloud like a shield . When it reached the middle of the sky , it spread then it began torain . By Allah , we did not see the sun for a week . Thena manentered through that door during Jumu ' ah when the Messenger of Allah ( s . a . w ) was standing , delivering the Khutbah he turned to the Messenger of Allah ( s . a . w ) and said : ' OMessenger of Allah , our wealth has been destroyed and the roads are cut off . Pray to Allah to stop ( the rain ) for us .
The Messenger of Allah ( s . a . w ) raised his hands and said : Allahumma ! Hawlana wala ' alaina . Allahumma ! Alal - akami waz - zirabi wa butunil - awdiyati wa manabitish - shaiar ( o Allah , around us and not on us ! O Allah , on the hillocks and small mountains , the valley bottoms and places where trees grow . ) . Then it stopped , and we went out walking in the sun . " Sharik said : " I asked Anas bin Malik : ' Was that the first man ? He said : ' I do not know . "

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